Saturday 14 February 2015


#MasterShifuSays #Peaceful :-)

Sometimes, you just want to be silent. Just remain quiet; away from all hustle and routine. You are a part of it all, yet, you just sail through each day not really participating. Often times this happens in the face of a challenge. But even a blissful moment can sometimes leave you unsettled,  yearning for that moment of silence. 
Is it true, that we humans are sometimes afraid of expression? Normally, we are all in such a hurry to take emotional decisions in the name of gut instincts. Yet, when it comes to feeling the rush of some deep emotions, we are left so overwhelmed, that we look for a break.                                  
Or is it escapism? Are we avoiding to confront those feelings? But what are we running away from ? Is it the fear of unknown beyond the known emotion?  Or is it the fear of having to go through this inexplicable unsettling feeling inside of us?

Yes it's there, just below that apparent normal exterior. Waiting all the while to be acknowledged. But what is the purpose of this feeling? May be it is growth, in the sense of ripening. Like the silence after the storm, its the phase when we feel like just being quiet. We surrender to the calmness inside and yearn for isolation. 

And those of us who heed to it, find in these moments of silence, a calm contemplation. This involuntary introspection is the struggle inside, or as they call it, soul searching. Ready to go beyond the previous limitations mind had created, all set, to grow above who we were until now. Like, the butterfly ready to open its wings to break the cocoon, or the little birdie breaking the eggshell to come out into the real world. May be this is the ever-powerful "peace", which every religion, every faith points to. Or to use a rhetorical device, may be this is Darwinism of human brain... :-)


  1. Great realization... and one of a prime importance... Well said and precisely... I too was there, feeling every tiny bit of it... but now my mind is all agitated... perturbed... whisking and wandering... I wonder how long would this last...!! these phases follow sinusoidal pattern...?? would like to wait and hear it out in your version machi...

    1. guess that's life da...not sure if its exactly sinusoidal, but yeah life has its ways... you go there, then you get caught in the glitz and glimmer, wander about ...and suddenly,just as it began, in that wandering you find your lost path again... so just enjoy the ride and take chances I would say ;) cheers!!

  2. Hi very well written and expressed. As I told Nidhi you are a talented writer. Agree that our inner silence are actually evolving moments and we should encourage it more. After all that is what we are all seeking. There is surely more Than birth
    Marriage procreation and death. Not everyone evolves to introspect and yearn for that something more so good sign and go deeper. It's a never ending path and may not give us answers but at least we will drive more comfortable than the mundane things that life offers. Take care
